Sunday, October 26, 2008


I just wanted to post a brief update. I feel like I am in blog-limbo. I have a vision of what I would like this blog to look like, but part of that involves finishing a CCN design for the header space ("Cherry Hill")! I am 1/3 done and once it's completed, I will take a photo and get it on the blog.

I am still stitching up a storm. I finished "Ruffled Feathers" this week for a friend. I started "Cherry Hill", and I worked a bit more on "The Daughters of Longbourn". I do promise to update with photos soon.

Yesterday, I was able to steal away for several hours to my LNS. Actually, it is not so local (75 minute trip one way!) but well worth the drive. If you are ever in Orlando, you must pop in to Needlecraft World. The owner is a dear and so helpful! And the ladies who gather at her table to stitch are a joy to be with as well. I so enjoy my time there, when that is possible.

Well, I will close with aa promise to spiff up this little space on the web soon... I know it is sorely needed!

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