Friday, October 17, 2008

Welcome to Anita and Thread!

Having been intrigued by blogs for a long time...and particularly to those devoted to all things cross stitch related, I have taken a leap of faith and created this blog: Anita and Thread. My name is Kristina, so you may wonder how I came up with my blog's name.

When I was a little girl, I had the best gramma and grampa in the world. They were Anita and Fred Rich, and they lived in a darling colonial-red cape cod style house in Rhode Island. They loved me, encouraged me, gave me a love for all things New England including its history, food, and landscape, came to all my soccer games and dance performaces and choir infinitum. My grandmother in particular gave me a love of books (she was a librarian) and colonial history (she was a Colonial Dame). She was also an avid needlepoint enthusiast. Through her example, I have discovered my own ardent passion for it's close relative, cross stitch. My grandparents are long gone now, but so much of what Gramma and Grampa loved has found a permanent place in my heart.

Anita and Fred acquired a few nicknames over the years, given by close friends and relatives, including "Pudge and Moose" and, less obscurely, Needle and Thread. Needle (Anita) and Thread (Fred) was a favorite monicher given to them by their friend, Harriet from New Hampshire. I think there must be several Needle And Thread blogs out there already (after all, I have arrived very late to this blogging party), so I decided to mix it up a bit. Anita is also my oldest daughter's middle name, so I will win a few brownie points with her.

And so in closing, this blog is named in honor of a very special pair who gave my life an idyllic start, and of whom I still think almost daily.

1 comment:

Cathy B said...

Welcome to the blogging world Kristina! I enjoyed reading your story about your Gramma and Grandpa. What a nice way to honor them.

Looking forward to seeing some stitching pictures from you in the near future!